Scientific Technical Report: Universal Design for Learning Project: implementation and evaluation accessible digital textbook protocol

Scientific Technical Report: Universal Design for Learning Project: implementation and evaluation accessible digital textbook protocol

“This project emerged in 2016, after conducting a series of workshops in several countries on the accessibility of digital textbooks sponsored by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in 2015. The international initia­tive called Inclusive, equitable, and quality education for all brought together experts from several countries in Latin America and the Caribbean to devel­op guidelines for the production of accessible textbooks from the perspec­tive of the universal design for learning. In Brazil, the responsible body for organizing the thematic workshop was the Down Movement. The guidelines of this international initiative, published in the country by the Down Move­ment, served as guiding principles of the work developed throughout this project with regard to Universal Design for Learning – UDL (MOVIMENTO DOWN, 2015). The aim of the project was precisely to apply and evaluate the indications already existing in the UNICEF protocol for textbooks from the perspective of the UDL. This report summarizes the main aspects and results of this project.”

Ficha técnica:

Organizadora: Márcia Denise Pletsch
Editora: Encontrografia Editora
ISBN: 978-65-88977-67-5
DOI: 10.52695/978-65-88977-67-5

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